Clinical Prosthetics & Orthotics
The American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists published this periodical from 1977 through 1988, when it was replaced with the Journal of Prosthetics & Orthotics (JPO). Earlier issues went under the heading Newsletter: Prosthetics & Orthotics Clinic. The name was changed to Clinical Prosthetics & Orthotics (CPO) in Spring of 1982 (Vol. 6 No. 2).
Comments on the digitization of Clinical Prosthetics & Orthotics:
"I'm very pleased to see that all prior issues of Clinical Prosthetics and Orthotics and its predecessor, Newsletter: Prosthetic & Orthotic Clinics are now freely accessible 24/7 to anyone in the world on the O&P Virtual Library. This addition was made possible by the most recent Academy grant and insures that clinicians, researchers, and other interested parties can now download not only the Academy's Journal of Prosthetics & Orthotics but all Academy periodicals that preceded the JPO beginning in 1977. The steadily increasing content on the Virtual Library, including the addition of back issues from Prosthetics Orthotics International and the Journal of the Association of Children's Prosthetic Orthotic Clinics, make it the world's premiere site for English language information about this field."
John W. Michael, CPO
Clinical Prosthetics & Orthotics and Newsletter: Prosthetic and Orthotic Clinics, published between 1977 and 1988, are Copyright, the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists. The digital conversion and online posting of the entire collection of Clinical Prosthetics & Orthotics and its precursor, Newsletter: Prosthetic and Orthotic Clinics, was made possible by the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists through a grant (Award Number H235K080004) from the U.S. Department of Education. The contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.