
O&P Library > Orthotics and Prosthetics > 1966, Vol 20, Num 1

Orthotics and ProstheticsThis journal was digitally reproduced with permission from the American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (AOPA).

Funding for this project was provided by the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists through a grant from the US Department of Education (grant number H235K080004). However, this does not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. For more information about the Academy please visit our website at

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1966, Vol 20, Num 1

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The National Orthotics and Prosthetics Assembly, 1966: An Invitation To Readers Of The Journal


Rrogram Chairman Leroy Noble, C.O.



Clinical Application of the Plantaflexed Talus Shoe: Preliminary Report


Tom Outland, M.D.
G.R. Mckeever, M.D.
Alfons Glaubitz, C.P.O.



Birth Defect Bracing


Robert E. Fannin, C.O.



Knee Disarticulation: A New Technique And A New Knee-Joint Mechanism


Robert Mazet, Jr., M.D.
Charles A. Hennessy, C.P.O.



Providing Double Below Knee Amputees With Fin-Prostheses


Heinrich Walb



Survey of the Diabetic Amputee


A.L. Wilson, M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H.



New Hip Unit For The Canadian Hip Disarticulation Prosthesis


George Murdoch, M.B., F.R.C.S.Ed.



A New Wedge-Disc Alignment Unit


George Murdoch, M.B., F.R.C.S.Ed.



Late Sequelae of Amputation: The Health Of Finnish Amputated War Veterans


Kauko A. Solonen
H.J. Rinne
M. Viikeri
E. Karvinen


O&P Library > Orthotics and Prosthetics > 1966, Vol 20, Num 1

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