President Fillauer Reports on Association Committees
The Journal's circulation includes a great many physicians and rehabilitation workers generally, in addition to membership of the American Orthotics and Prosthetics Association. For this reason, it seems desirable in my first column as President to restate the fundamentals of the Association's program and the Committees which guide its efforts.
Our Association was organized in 1917 and grew out of a meeting of prosthetists called to Washington, D.C., by the U.S. Council of National Defense. In the years since then, the Association has increased its membership to a total of 456 including corresponding members in five other countries.
The Association has maintained permanent Washington, D.C. Headquarters since 1946, and the current Executive Director is Lester A. Smith, who is also editor of the Journal.
In addition to the Journal, the Association publishes a monthly news bulletin for members only which is known as "The AOPA Almanac," and an annual Orthotics and Prosthetics Yearbook. The Yearbook includes the roster of members, the by-laws of the Association and an index of supplies.
Broadly stated: the purpose of the Association is to assist members in their dedication to serving the handicapped and physicians.
In addition to its publications, the Association sponsors the annual Orthotics and Prosthetics Assembly or Convention and a series of Regional Meetings held throughout the United States. The purpose of these meetings is twofold: to bring to members the latest in technical developments and to offer a meeting ground for all who are concerned with rehabilitation of the orthopedically handicapped.
In 1963 the Association will also sponsor special programs to be presented at (1) meeting in Bremen, Germany, to be held in connection with the German Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists and (2) at the World Congress for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled held in Copenhagen, June 23-29.
The Association has worked closely with the National Research Council on research projects and with the U.S. Veterans Administration on improving service for the Veteran amputee or brace wearer. For this purpose, the Association has established two important committees:
- Committee on Advances in Prosthetics and Orthotics and
- the Veterans Administration Liaison Committee.
These two committees work closely with those in the research program and with officials of the Veterans Administration. The Committee on Advances meets once a year with technicians of the VA Prosthetic Center in New York City to review new appliances and see which are suitable and should be made available to the veteran.
ASSEMBLY COMMITTEES: The 1963 Orthotics and Prosthetics As-
sembly sponsored by this Association will be held at the JUNG Hotel in New Orleans. November 2-7. Three experienced orthotists and prosthetists make up the Assembly Program Committee: Bert Titus of Durham. North Carolina, Chairman: and Vice-Chairmen Bruce Scott of Denver and Roy Snelson of Downey. California. This Assembly is open to all who are interested in the rehabilitation of the orthopedically handicapped. Suggestions for the Program may be sent to any one of the Committee.
ASSEMBLY EXHIBITS: The technical supply and educational exhibits at the National Assembly are one of its most valuable features. The Exhibits Committee for 1963 is headed by William Bartels of Portland, Oregon as Chairman, and Ronald Snell of Memphis, Tennessee as Vice-Chairman. All persons interested in preparing exhibits for this convention are asked to communicate with members of the Committee or with AOPA National Headquarters in Washington.
MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: Membership in AOPA is today the hallmark of the efficient and ethical establishment in the field of artificial limbs and braces. Mrs. Alice Crowell of Truform Anatomical Supports, Cincinnati, Ohio is our capable Membership Chairman. The eleven Regional Directors of the Association serve with her as a Committee to consider desirable applicants for membership and to acquaint potential members with the services of the Association.
PUBLIC RELATIONS Chairman: Herbert J. Hart. Vice-President of the Association, is Chairman of this Committee and is charged with advising the National Officers on public relations activities of the Association.
JOURNAL COMMITTEE: On the masthead of this issue of the Journal, page 299, will be found the names of the twelve of this Committee. Persons preparing articles for contribution to the Journal may receive assistance and suggestions from any member of the Committee.
SUPPLY COMMITTEE: The ten members of this Committee advise the National Office on advertisements, suppliers, and on the proper listings for the Supply Index in the Orthotics and Prosthetics Yearbook. Persons and individuals wishing to make use of this service may obtain helpful information from any member of this Committee, listed on the inside back cover of this issue.
In addition to these Committee assignments, the Association from time to time asks the aid of individual members on special assignments to help carry out the program of the Association.
Carlton Fillauer