The Pick-Up Cane
Catherine Keane *
Editor's Note: The Pick-Up Cane, available from Nelson Orthopedic Co., is operated by a trigger which extends a gripping device from the cane tip. Release of the trigger holds any object firmly, or retracts the empty gripper into the cane. The cane is aluminum, with the mechanism located inside.
I did not realize the tremendous value of the Pick-up Cane until I was confined to a wheelchair.
After several weeks of hospitalization with a fractured hip. my doctor permitted me to go home to a wheelchair. Since the hone was not healing too well. I could not walk or even stand on either leg. I live alone which meant I had to take care of myself and my apartment. Believe me, I could not have done it without the aid of Mr. Nelson's Pick-up Cane.
First of all, by grabbing the bed clothes with the pick-up cane. I was able to make my bed quite neatly. A hanger can be taken from and returned to a closet with the pick-up cane, as well as boxes from a top shelf or shoes from a deep shelf. This enabled me to dress and rare fur my clothes without assistance. I could lake cups, dishes, pots, pans and groceries from a cupboard, pull blinds and draperies, turn light switches off and on: to mention nothing of the hundreds of articles which can be picked up from the door or ont-of-reach places. Cleaning was no problem. I placed a dust cloth in the hook, which locks when handle is released, and I can reach any place in the apartment to dust. By placing an SOS pad in the hook, any difficult scouring is quite easy. I found it possible to wash windows and hang clothes up to dry.
The original purpose of the Pick-up Cane is for the person who walks with a cane but has difficulty stooping to pick up something from the floor. The tip of the cane can be removed easily and left on the floor by lifting the hook control which is connected at the cane handle. An article as small as a dime and up to approximately five pounds can be picked up. The tip is replaced by guiding the cane into it with the hook closed but still extended. The patient goes on walking without the slightest change in his balanced position.
Since the Pick-up Cane has been such a wonderful aid to my rehabilitation I feel certain there are many handicapped persons who would like to know about it.
Fig. 1, Fig. 2