Presented below are recovered images from Fitzsimons Army Medical Center. These include converted 35mm slides of X-ray duplications resulting from the X-ray checkout of the above knee limb. The majority of these unique images were created by the Medical Illustrations Audio Visual Activity (MIAVA) department at Fitzsimons. The slides and pictures were donated to the O&P Virtual Library by Jim Scanlon, PT and Ivan Long, CP.
It may take a few seconds for the images in the boxes below to completely load. Placing your computer's cursor over the right or left grey borders of the image box (with white direction arrows) initiates the scrolling of the images. Clicking on an individual image will open it in a separate window in full size. The X-ray images are identified by patient number, description and date (if known).
There are multiple X-rays of individual patients. For example, #6 (patient #6) has three X-rays displayed. On 01/01/1975 a survey X-ray was taken of patient #6's "Old" limb. "Old" implies a limb that was manufactured before FAMC's adoption of the X-ray checkout. On 02/19/1975, an X-ray was taken of patient #6's "initial" limb. "Initial" implies a limb that was manufactured after adoption of the standardized X-ray checkout at FAMC. The "initial" X-ray was taken during the process of limb construction. On 12/21/1975 an X-ray was taken of Patient #6's "final" limb ("final" was interchangeably marked as "new," as in the newly delivered limb, on some of the recovered FAMC X-rays). In patient #6's "final" limb, the knee has been translated laterally and improvement in adduction is observed. The lateral wall in the "final" X-ray has also been reshaped providing greater support over the distal shaft of the femur.
Patient numbers in the X-ray photographs have no direct correlation with the patient numbers and their femoral remnant angle measurements found in the charts 1 and 2 in Mayfield's recovered research paper. Undoubtedly, some of Mayfield's recorded measurements come from these recovered X-rays but there exists no crosswalk document connecting the numerical identification sequence in these X-ray photographs and Mayfield's research paper.
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