Modern Correspondence from former Fitzsimons' Personnel
Letter from Gerald W. Mayfield, MD, Col. USA
Teaching Staff, Fitzsimons Army Medical Center, 1971-1974
Date: 07/20/2007
PDF file with OCR (166 kB), posted on 01/26/09
Illustrations provided by Dr. Mayfield, 02/14/2007
Date: 02/14/2007
PDF file (1.07 MB), posted on 02/25/09
These illustrations were provided by Dr. Mayfield in personal correspondence to Charles King, CP and are referenced in his letter posted above. The first image was sent via email on 02/14/2007 and the other two were created on 02/14/2007 but were sent via US Mail (technical difficulties). Patient #1's March 13th, 1974 X-ray, is used to illustrate the occurrence of both abduction and external rotation present in the amputee's femoral remnant.
Mayfield: Mal-rotation Union (01-23-07) & Hip Rotation Diagram (09-30-07)
Dates: 01/23/2007 & 09/30/2007
PDF file (244 kB), posted on 01/08/2010
Recollections of the Radiographic Control of the Position of the Femur in Prosthetic Fitting of the AK Amputee
Fitzsimons Army Medical Center 1974 to 1983
Letter from William W. Eversmann, Jr. MD
Col. MC Assistant Chief and Chief, Orthopedic Service, FAMC 1974-1983
Date: 09/12/2007
PDF file (1.12 MB), posted on 01/27/2009
Recollections of Fitzsimons Army Hospital and the Origin of the X-ray Checkout of the Above Knee Limb
Letter from Gerald W. Mayfield, MD
Col. MC Teaching Staff, Fitzsimons Army Medical Center, 1971-1974
Date: 12/31/2009
PDF file (1.31 MB), posted on 01/06/2010
Dr. Mayfield's 05-15-09 comment on Dr. Eversmann's letter
Date: 05/15/2009
PDF file (11 kB), posted on 07/15/09